Not just another motor
monitoring system
Prevent equipment issues specific to your industry and environment.

Transforming factory operations made simple and scalable
Pre-built non-invasive solution across rotating equipment
Electric current signature analysis (ESA) for motors and transmission.
Detect root-causes like bearing, shaft misalignment, cracked gears and more.
Ease of installation with meter in current supply panel, no sensors on equipment.

Custom models for industry specific issues
Extend models using custom data to solveindustry specific problems.
Models extended to unique componentslike blades, screw/barrels.
The proof is in the accuracy
Gen AI transformers and self-learningmodels for prediction accuracy.
Zolnoi AI benchmarked against otherAI approaches for common equipments,and 10-50% more accurate.

Monitoring across varying
ambient conditions
Electric current signature analysis reduces
risks and costs of sensors to handle harsh, inaccessible or hazardous environments.Great fit for submerged, hazardous, high
temperature or high humidity environments.
Features you can’t deny
Equipment Heath Score
Zolnoi’s proprietary health index gives a simple view of which equipments need attention or are trending towards needing attention soon.

Alert Workflow
Assign issues and track lifecycle from detection to investigation and closure by the maintenance team easing tracking.

Continuous learning model
Models keep automatically refining predictions with on-going increase in data and information on maintenance activities

Protect from electrical faults
Get alerted for issues related to downtime, energy waste, production speed, repetitive failures. The right people are always notified to give you peace of mind

All the A’s for your Q’s
Everything you need to know about the product
Know more about your product
Stay in the loop with everything you need to know.